Dedicated To Helping You Fight For What You Believe In

Divorce Can Be The Start Of A New Life

Maintaining a good quality of life is important after a divorce. You must not only divide marital assets equitably with your spouse, but you must also protect your financial best interests. This fine balance is critical as you rebuild your life and start anew.

I am attorney Stephen J. Fozard. Standing up for you in a divorce and helping you move forward is what I do at Fozard Law Office LLC. Many spouses hesitate to file for divorce, but it can improve your quality of life significantly. Though it can be difficult to picture a new way of living, I can help you take the steps to start a fresh chapter.

Divorce In Wisconsin: What To Know

In Wisconsin, couples have the option of filing for divorce jointly. If you or your spouse does not want a divorce, you may need to file separately. Once you file the paperwork, the formal process for divorce can begin. Some situations necessitate a hearing where the court will establish temporary solutions for spousal support, child support and child custody. From there, you and I can work with your spouse and their attorney to equitably divide marital property and come up with parenting schedules.

Working Together To Prioritize Your Children

Relationships always change after a divorce, but this does not always have to be negative. Developing a bond with your ex as you co-parent your children can be rewarding, particularly if you work together to shield your children from trauma.

I have facilitated communications between parents in my family law cases. In all possible instances, I prefer to handle custody issues cooperatively. Granted, I understand that some custody disputes necessitate litigation to secure an arrangement in the best interests of your kids.

Seek Guidance For Your New Chapter In Life

Contact me at Fozard Law Office LLC for empathetic, strong service in divorce law. You can reach out to me at my office when you are ready to discuss your legal options. To contact me for an initial consultation, please call 920-880-1180 or send me an email.